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Remodeling Companies » Flooring » Carpeting Flooring Cost

Carpeting Flooring Cost

Carpeting is an obvious importance in certain parts of your residence. Carpeting costs vary depending on quality and additional labor costs. Down below is a table that can help you understand what the price differences are:

Carpeting Price Range Installation Costs Padding Costs Other Costs (a square yard)
Cheap $2 Installation adds $2-$6 or more a square yard $2.50-$6 a square yard 1-2$ to move furniture, disposing or removing carpet
Decent $19-$38 Installation adds $2-$6 or more a square yard $2.50-$6 a square yard 1-2$ to move furniture, disposing or removing carpet
High-end Up to 100$ Installation adds $2-$6 or more a square yard $2.50-$6 a square yard 1-2$ to move furniture, disposing or removing carpet

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